martes, junio 08, 2004


Genetically engineered agriculture is spreading around the world due to global trade agreements and the aggressive tactics of international financial institutions, governments, and agribusiness corporations. In this broad and comprehensive survey, seven authors show how the interplay of trade policy, “development” politics and biotechnology increases dependency and hunger, while compromising the survival of traditional farmers and their communities.

Gene Traders opens with a revealing look by editor Brian Tokar at the evolution of the global movement for food sovereignty that has been sparked by genetic engineering.

S’ra DeSantis makes the connections between trade deals like NAFTA and the FTAA, genetically modified corn, and the contamination of Latin American crops.

Aziz Choudry describes how World Trade Organization’s “intellectual property” rules promote monopoly rights and biopiracy.

Brian Tokar examines the World’s Bank promotion of dubious biotech schemes in the name of sustainability and a new “Green Revolution.”

Mwananyanda Mbikusita Lewanika and Lawrence Tsimese report from Africa about Zambia’s food aid crisis and the continent’s tough choices on food security.

Shiri Pasternak explains how food aid has become food dumping and displaced agricultural communities.

Devinder Sharma deconstructs world hunger and the myths of biotech agriculture “feeding the world.”

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